Sustainability consulting. Education. Writing.
Real Food Seminars informs and advocates for sustainable food systems. We educate about food, agriculture, and marketing. We advocate that Big Ag turns to sustainable food practices in the wake of mandatory public oversight and transparency legislation.
We offer workshops and unique educational materials for your classroom or business.
Three reasons to bring a Real Food Seminars Workshop into your classroom or business:
- It serves as a “briefing” in which complex ideas and information are put into compact, concise, logical context.
- It provides pros and cons of every issue, letting the viewer make up his or her mind.
- It represents the latest research to date.
Darryl Benjamin is a sustainable food advocate, author, educator, and blogger. He believes education is the key to transforming the industrial food system into a sustainable, healthy, fair, accessible, and affordable paradigm. His workshops illuminate and sometimes startle as he presents a full picture of where our food comes from, how it’s manufactured or grown, and its impact on human, environmental, economic, and political arenas.
And please check out my book,
Farm to Table: The Essential Guide to Sustainable Food Systems
for Students, Professionals,and Consumers
Request a Workshop! ➠
Delivering focused, digestible, informative, and insightful perspectives on sustainable food systems.
Real Food Seminars offers seminars to audiences interested in sustainable food systems. Our seminars inform and provide tools to address food system issues while building sustainability. We provide excellence in education and educational materials that strive to balance the relationship between humans and natural agricultural systems.
In this day and age, many people don’t have the time to read scholarly writings in order to “figure it all out.” The mission of RFS is to transform industrial farming into a system that supports healthy, accessible, whole food choices for all — fresh food that is nutritious, affordable, accessible, and sustainable.
Our goals are to achieve transparency in food production and policy. We will achieve this by education and courageous targeted action aimed at breaking the bonds between corporate interests that dictate government policy. We will solve problems around food and population from the bottom up.
Professor of Regional and Community Food Systems
— Testimonials, April 2019 —
“This class has been wonderful, and I’ve learned an incredible amount in 6 weeks. I am grateful for your kind and helpful feedback on posts and papers throughout the course! I get a bit of anxiety about my writing and your feedback meant a lot to me. The discussions in this class were lively and interesting, and you were an active participant in every conversation, which led to fascinating tangents and insights. Your valuable comments and consistent involvement in the discussion posts were something I really appreciated — not all of the professors have been so active in the conversations. It’s been both constructive and enjoyable, and I came away with a deeper understanding and a much greater appreciation of the systems involved in every meal I eat! I also finished the course with a new interest in pursuing work in the field of sustainable food systems, an avenue that I hadn’t previously considered. . .”

Rachel Harris
“I enjoyed the class immensely. It — and you — really pushed my boundaries of thinking, which is what learning is all about for me. . . Thanks again for a great class!”

Kenneth Hartlage
“It was truly a pleasure wading through the sometimes poignant, sometimes inspiring content with such an engaging professor and group of classmates. Your critiques of my writing structure did not go unnoticed and were well-received. An engineer’s writing abilities are not particularly lauded, and I must admit. . . I will be able to draw upon your insights to communicate complex concepts in a way that more effectively garners support and promotes civic action.”